185/365: No Escape.

Just having some fun with this one. I’m stuck working late at the office, few things from out west and well I’ve got my camera here. While waiting for a compile, I started fiddling with the camera a bit and I created a new “Picture Control” I call “Extreme”. This is basically Vivid+, taking the saturation up to, well, stupid levels. Why? Because it’s fun, and it’s art, and I can do what I want with my camera. Anyhow, I’ve pointed the camera at the door that leaves the office part of the building literally a few metres from my chair. I love the grid in the glass and the whole industrial corridor that’s barred from entry thing here. Even though I have a key and can go right through the door. It goes well with my current eBook, AMPED by Douglas E. Richards. So here’s my photo of the day. Cropped in Aperture, otherwise a JPEG right out of the D800. EV was set to -1, focus is on the LOCK DOOR sign and Nikon Active D-Lighting is set to Auto, as is the ISO. 

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